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favicon EOS (EOS) eos.io
EOS was a ethereum ERC-20 token during its ICO period. This is no longer true since the launch of the EOS mainnet.

Now EOS is on its own seperate Blockchain and is much like ethereum. People can create ICO's just like on the ethereum network but without the need of smart contracts. Developers also can create dApps on the EOS blockchain which acts much like a regular app store but with the decentralization that comes with Blockchain technology.

There are no transaction fees on the EOS Blockchain and it runs much faster and more efficently then other networks.

Many developers are now using and developing dApps using the EOS network such as social media platforms and games amoung a plethera of new creative ways to use decentralized block chain technologies.

As of May 2019 EOS has the 5th highest market cap with a total value of $7.34 billion USD.

Free Transactions
Easy to use for developers
Can start ICO's
Market capitalsation > 1 000 M$
Market Price
Monitored since2449 days
Accepted countries All
They use EOS (EOS)
Users Advice
3 Opinions on 3 comments
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2 years
Need help!!! After a long and fruitless search for an answer to why i could not get my money after the investment, i was just surfing the web and i came across c o n t a c t @ s e c u r e 2 i n v e s t . c o m , they are a specialist with recovery, even i was not aware of their work until i got a taste of it, i didn?t even need to pay an upfront payment fortunately enough and i got every penny back., or WhatsApp +14253121045, thank me later
3 years
Come participate in Coinbase Earn. you will have special access to earn EOS for 4 people.


Good earnings!

PS: this is not a referral link but an invitation.
I think EOS is one to watch. A lot of people are developing dApps that are interseting, useful and some that are just flat out fun. So many creative developers are flocking to EOS due to the ease of developing dApps that I think it is inevetable that users will follow adding much value to EOS.

Plus transactions are compleatly free to users which I think many people will find very attractive particually in the sector of Blockchain games. No more paying for "gas" to get things done; a real turn off to users that are just playing around with a game and trying to breed a new wierd cat with googley eyes, horns, and wings. Lol.

Gone are the times of paying for every little action in a Blockchain based game. You may think I am silly talking about games but I believe that will be a huge factor in the success of EOS. Look at the personal computer, why do we need the latest and greatest of all the new bleeps and bloops in technology, not to run word, but for when we are done working, so we can play. | Edit. : 29/05/2019 1:03:23
I don`t really trust in altcoins . Why not use bitcoin and lightning for games?
4 years
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