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British Council

British Council

favicon British Council britishcouncil.fr
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British Council is a site that allows you to learn only 2 languages that are French and English. The site is now online shopping on 30h more or less expensive. All the teachers of the site are obviously experts of the language which he educates.
The site offers classes for children / teenagers, adults, professionals and also students at the university. Then if you want to deepen your level of English the site offers to go to the United Kingdom which is the best solution to learn a language. Finally to confirm your level you can do examinations on the site.
Access/Use Partially free
Montlhy price
(for a 6 month-subscription)
113 €
Application available
Target - Adult
- Kid
Languages available - French
- English
Languageenglish, french
Monitored since2174 days
Accepted countries All
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3 years
The course is going great and I?m enjoying every bit of it. I can?t stress enough how vital this course is for me. I was a little nervous before joining it as I thought it would be difficult to understand and participate. But it?s their guidance and mentorship because of which today I?m feeling confident about speaking in English.

They always conduct the class in an open, friendly and informative way. Your way of explaining any concept is simply great. You always give apt examples which help us understand any concept better and remember it for a long time. You have given us every possible support in learning this course.
In the end, I?d just like to reiterate that you are an excellent mentor and I?m sure with your guidance, we?ll be able to achieve fluency in our English language skills.
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