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AVERTISSEMENTThe vast majority of ICO are only vulgar ponzi scheme scams

CSC Int. GmbH, in Kanton Luzern, with its four different types of coinage cryptocurrency, offers the possibility of working and investing in luggage, and provides the opportunity of remittance through the purchase of a currency based on a fixed price based on the Swiss franc. CSC Int. GmbH intends to market its encrypted coins by the end of May 2018, and like Bitcoin, Coins will initially be distributed at meager prices in markets and brokers. Below is a summary of the variety of digital currency types of CSC Int. GmbH:

Counos Coin: .1 This type of electronic coin has the same algorithm as the Bitcoin algorithm, and 16,800,000 coins are extracted, and alpha can extract the rest of the final 21,000,000 coins.

Counos Cash: .2 Another type of CSC currency, with all 21 million coins being extracted, is actually used for all commercial transactions and money transfers, at a constant price of 20 Swiss francs all over the world and the company itself, buying and selling It does not enter the market at all, which is faced with rising prices or price reductions, and is a surefire signal for money transfers and sales of goods and purchases.

Counos Gold: .3 This single currency has the same algorithm as the Counos Coin, and all 21 million coins are extracted and equivalent to one gram of gold Coin in Swiss Box as a backing for the supervised entity, which is what this means. The minimum price of this coin is equivalent to one gram of gold and is practically transferred without the transfer of gold with a digital currency.

Counos Silver: .4 This type of currency has the same algorithm as Counos Gold, except that instead of gold, silver is deposited in Swiss banks as a backbone.
Start Date2018-07-30
End Date2025-07-30
451 days
Raised Amount (in dollar) N/A
Category Infrastructure
Languageinternational, english
Monitored since1357 days
Accepted countries All
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1 year
This is my honest experience. There are a lot of untrue recommendations but because i haven’t worked with all of them i can’t tell you not to trust all of them. I won’t be the one to alter someone’s livelihood. If you have lost money to scam anytime at all, there is a solution. Send a mail to this recovery expert (Lisa.Eric @ proton .me ) to get your lost crypto recovered.
Kindly contact her today via mail Lisa.Eric @ proton .me or WhatsApp +84 94 767 1524. Once again thanks Lisa.
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